About us

At the foot of the “Nordkette” mountain range, above the rooftops of Innsbruck, the Alpenzoo is located in the capital of Tyrol, 750 metres above sea level. Roughly 2000 Alpine animals across approximately 150 species are kept in natural enclosures, terrariums and aquariums on just over 10 hectares (although only 5 hectares have been developed up to now; the zoo was expanded in 2022). No other zoo in the world has such a complete collection of wild animals from the Alpine region. This is just one reason why a number of world firsts and remarkable breeding successes have been achieved here.

The Alpenzoo is a non-profit organisation that generates most of its annual operating funds itself (with the support of the City of Innsbruck and the Province of Tyrol). The association “Friends of the Alpenzoo” (“FREUNDE DES ALPENZOO”), sponsors and donors also contribute to financial security. With around 300,000 visitors a year, the Alpenzoo is the largest cultural institution in Tyrol. As an employer, it secures permanent jobs for around 30 employees.

Association Alpenzoo Innsbruck-Tirol


The Alpenzoo is located at the foot of the “Nordkette” mountain range on the sunny side of Innsbruck, just a 15-20 minute walk from the city centre. At the entrance is Weiherburg Castle, which the citizen of Innsbruck, Christian Tänzl, had built as his residence from 1460. Emperor Maximilian I was also a guest here. Archduke Ferdinand II had an imperial zoo built at Weiherburg Castle in 1591

With the opening of the “Alpenzoo Innsbruck”, a bridge was built to the Renaissance zoo of the 16th century. In doing so, at least part of Weiherburg Castle’s former surroundings and atmosphere were restored. Right at the entrance, the beaver enclosure with its “pond” is reminiscent of the historic fish ponds that gave the Weiherburg its name. The Alpenzoo opened its doors on 22 September 1962 and was immediately well received by the public. By the turn of the year, 30,000 people had already visited, and in the years that followed the number steadily increased to an average of 300,000 visitors per year.

Anyone who admires brown bears, beavers and ibexes in the Alpenzoo today may not realise that these successes in the keeping and breeding of native wild animals are thanks to the vision and work of Prof. Hans Psenner (1912 - 1995) and the then mayor of Innsbruck Dr Alois Lugger From 1962-94, Dr Alois Lugger was President of the InnsbruckTyrol Alpenzoo. He was followed by DDr. Herwig van Staafrom 1994 to 2024, after which the office of President was handed over to Günther Platter at the beginning of 2024.

Prof Hans Psenner is regarded as the “father of the Alpenzoo”, having promoted the idea of establishing an “Alpenzoo” to the public at a young age. In 1962, at the age of 50, he was finally able to realise his life’s work. The history of the Alpenzoo stretches from its beginnings under Hans Psenner (Director 1962 - 1979) to the enormous upswing under Dr Helmut Pechlaner (Director 1979 – 1991, 1992 – 2006 Director at Vienna’s “Schönbrunn Zoo”) to Dr. Michael Martys who was director from 1992 - 2017, to the current zoo director Dr. André Stadler.

22. September 1962
Opening of the Alpenzoo

Opening of the aquarium

Bus route from the city to the Alpenzoo maiden voyage

Opening of the “show barn” for endangered Alpine domestic animal breeds

Opening of the hermit ibis facility

Opening of the new bear enclosure

Opening of the ibex facility

Opening of the bearded vulture facility

Opening of the pine marten enclosure

Opening of the vulture gorge

Reopening after the first lockdown (due to Covid) since the Alpenzoo opened

Opening of the Alpine goat breeding centre

Opening of the dwarf mouse facility

World first breeding of wild bream

Opening of the Weiherburg Museum

Opening of the new Alpenzoo playground

World first breeding of the short-eared mouse

Reopening of the bird aviaries in front of Villa Blanka

Building opening “Dachs, Fuchs und Freunde”

22. September 1962
Opening of the Alpenzoo

Opening of the aquarium

Bus route from the city to the Alpenzoo maiden voyage

Opening of the “show barn” for endangered Alpine domestic animal breeds

Opening of the hermit ibis facility

Opening of the new bear enclosure

Opening of the ibex facility

Opening of the bearded vulture facility

Opening of the pine marten enclosure

Opening of the vulture gorge

Reopening after the first lockdown (due to Covid) since the Alpenzoo opened

Opening of the Alpine goat breeding centre

Opening of the dwarf mouse facility

World first breeding of wild bream

Opening of the Weiherburg Museum

Opening of the new Alpenzoo playground

World first breeding of the short-eared mouse

Reopening of the bird aviaries in front of Villa Blanka

Building opening “Dachs, Fuchs und Freunde”

Organisation & Management

Dr. André Stadler

Andre Stadler

Dr. André Stadler


Dipl. Biol. Dirk Ullrich

Zoological Curator
Ullrich Dirk

Dipl. Biol. Dirk Ullrich

Zoological Curator

Mag. Juliane Pokorny

Zoological Curator | Research & Institute for Education
Juliane Pokorny

Mag. Juliane Pokorny

Zoological Curator | Research & Institute for Education

Andre Stadler

Dr. André Stadler

Director & Managing Director

  • at the Alpenzoo since 1.1.2018
  • Studied biology at the Ruhr University Bochum, doctorate at the University of Duisburg-Essen
  • 2007 - 2017 Curator at Wuppertal Zoo
  • since 2009 EAZA Felid TAG Vice-chair
  • 2009 - 2017 Member of 10 EEP Committees
  • Member of the Advisory Board for Zoo Biology, Zoology and Ecology of the Schönbrunn Zoo Society since April 2018
  • Treasurer of the OZO since April 2018
  • Member of the WKO examination board for animal keepers since June 2018
  • 2012 - 2019 Mentor for the Kaliningrad Zoo
  • Since April 2019 Chair EAZA Technical Assistance Committee and seat on EAZA Ex Com, M&E and Council
  • Member of the VdZ Executive Board since 2019
  • Seat on the WAZA Council as representative for Europe and the Middle East since Oct 2021
  • Member of the EAZA Conservation Translocation Working Group since Feb 2023
  • Appointed to the Animal Welfare Council of the Republic of Austria in June 2023
  • Secretary of WAZA since Oct. 2023
  • Member of the IUCN SIS, Deer and SMAG SG Group

• at the Alpenzoo since 1.1.2018
• Studied biology at the Ruhr University Bochum, doctorate at the University of Duisburg-Essen
• 2007 - 2017 Curator at Wuppertal Zoo
• since 2009 EAZA Felid TAG Vice-chair
• 2009 - 2017 Member of 10 EEP Committees
• Mentor for Kaliningrad Zoo since 2012
• Since 2019, EAZA Chair of the Technical & Assistance Committee
• Member of the VdZ Executive Board since 2019
• Member of the IUCN SIS SG Group
• Member of the IUCN Deer SG Group

Ullrich Dirk

Dipl. Biol. Dirk Ullrich

Zoological Curator

  • Studied biology in Mainz
  • Curator at the Alpenzoo since 1996
  • Member of the Species Specialist Group for Otter & Przewalski EEP
  • Member of the Wildcat Platform in Austria

• Studied biology in Mainz
• Curator at the Alpenzoo since 1996
• Member of the Species Specialist Group for Otter & Przewalski EEP
• Member of the Wildcat Platform in Austria

Juliane Pokorny

Mag. Juliane Pokorny

Curator for birds and research

  • Studied zoology in Innsbruck
  • 2008 – 2010 Zoobiological Director at Linz Zoo
  • 2011 – 2013 Management at Linz Zoo
  • Curator at the Alpenzoo since 2022

• Studied zoology in Innsbruck
• 2008 – 2010 Zoobiological Director at Linz Zoo
• 2011 – 2013 Management at Linz Zoo
• Curator at the Alpenzoo since 2022
• Mail: j.pokorny@alpenzoo.at

Maximilan Strauss

Maximilian V. Strauß

Marketing & Public Relations

  • Media & Graphic Designer
  • at the Alpenzoo since 2020

• Media & Graphic Designer
• at the Alpenzoo since 2020
• Mail: m.strauss@alpenzoo.at
• Tel: +43 664 / 205 20 60

Laura Ganner, BSc.

Assistant curator, guided tours

Laura Ganner, BSc.

Assistant curator, guided tours

Maximilian V. Strauß

Marketing & Public Relations
Maximilan Strauss

Maximilian V. Strauß

Marketing & Public Relations

Veronika Kölli

Secretariat, accounting
Veronika Kölli

Veronika Kölli

Secretariat, accounting

Regina Baumann, BA.

Regina Baumann

Regina Baumann, BA.


Helene Schneider MSc.

Helene Schneider

Helene Schneider MSc.


Michael Winkler

Operating assistant
Michael Winkler

Michael Winkler

Operating assistant

Gernot Pechlaner

Curator for reptiles, amphibians & fish
Gernot Bechlaner

Gernot Pechlaner

Curator for reptiles, amphibians & fish

Mag. Eva Oberauer

Zoo education department Children’s birthday parties, guided tours
Eva Oberauer

Mag. Eva Oberauer

Zoo education department Children’s birthday parties, guided tours

Corina Lang, BSc.

Zoo education department Children’s birthday parties, guided tours, works council membe

Corina Lang, BSc.

Zoo education department Children’s birthday parties, guided tours, works council membe

Magnus Klammer

Zoo education department, children's birthday parties, guided tours, sustainability officer

Magnus Klammer

Zoo education department, children's birthday parties, guided tours

Andrea Laner

Ticket desk service
Andrea Laner

Andrea Laner

Ticket desk service

Magdalena Zopf

Ticket desk service
Magdalena Zopf

Magdalena Zopf

Ticket desk service

Angelika Reiter-Fritz BSc.

Cash desk service, children's birthday parties, guided tours, animal welfare officer
Angelika Reiter

Angelika Reiter-Fritz BSc.

Ticket desk service, children’s birthday parties, guided tours

Wolfgang Auer

Bird sanctuary
Wolfgang Auer

Wolfgang Auer

Bird sanctuary

Tine Aufschnaiter

Bird sanctuary
Tine Aufschnaiter

Tine Aufschnaiter

Bird sanctuary

Bernhard Brock

Animal keeper, craftsman, operational assistant, deputy, works council member
Bernhard Brock

Bernhard Brock

Animal keeper, craftsman, operational assistant, deputy, works council member

Werner Fatzi

Craftsmen, works council
Werner Fatzi

Werner Fatzi

Craftsmen, works council

Christian Haus

Aquarium, terrariums
Christian Haus

Christian Haus

Aquarium, terrariums

Johann Jenewein

Mammal territory
Johann Jenewein

Johann Jenewein

Mammal territory

Viktoria Kapferer

Bird sanctuary
Vicky Kapferer

Viktoria Kapferer

Bird sanctuary

Stephanie Lamprecht

Animal keeper
Stefanie Lamprecht

Stephanie Lamprecht

Animal keeper

Andreas Penz

Animal keeper, farm

Andreas Penz

Animal keeper, farm

Franz Hepperger

Animal keeper, farm

Franz Hepperger

Animal keeper, farm

Niklas Löbel

Mammal territory

Niklas Löbel

Mammal territory

Ewald Steiner

Mammal territory
Ewald Steiner

Ewald Steiner

Mammal territory

Sabine Leitner

Mammal territory

Sabine Leitner

Mammal territory

Robert Rauch

Aquarium, terrariums
Robert Rauch

Robert Rauch

Aquarium, terrariums

Raphaela Reinelt

Bird sanctuary
Raphaela Reinert

Raphaela Reinelt

Bird sanctuary

Hanna Steinlechner

Bird sanctuary, training officer

Hanna Steinlechner

Bird sanctuary, training officer

Bettina Schulte

Animal husbandry, foundlings
Bettina Schulte

Bettina Schulte

Animal husbandry, foundlings

Hannah Pfeifer

Animal keeper apprentice
Hannah Pfeifer

Hannah Pfeifer

Animal keeper apprentice

Leo Linser

Animal keeper apprentice
Leo Linser

Leo Linser

Animal keeper apprentice

Samuel Winkler

Animal keeper apprentice
Samuel Winkler

Samuel Winkler

Animal keeper apprentice

Geronimo Schreilechner


Geronimo Schreilechner


Jasmin Luggauer

Jasmin Luggauer

Jasmin Luggauer


Gabi Steiner


Gabi Steiner


Visit the museum
in Weiherburg

In close cooperation with the Alpenzoo, the historic rooms of Weiherburg castle have been open to visitors since March 2021, guiding them through annually changing thematic focuses.







Alpenzoo Care App

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